The Adoption Option

My spot for thoughts, feelings, rambles, and updates as we journey through the adoption process. Highlights: Dossier arrived in Thailand ~ Sept 26, 2005; Approved ~ October, 2005; Matched ~ August, 2006; Referral received ~ January 2007; Traveled & Home ~ June, 2007; Finalized!! ~ December, 2007

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The beauty of holiday cards

I've always sent out cards during the holidays. Even before I was married - even when I was in college. For as long as I've been functioning on my own, I've sent out holiday cards. I love getting organized, getting the cards, buying a new pen to address the envelopes.....the whole nine yards. Some people hate it, send out cards at the last minute only to a handful of people. Others write letters and include a history of the year and catch everyone up before the next year begins. I love them all. But now - my world has changed and I've been introduced to the photo card. I wouldn't say they were my favorite cards to receive while going through treatment. They often made me sad, bitter, and all those fun treatment emotions all rolled into one - but things have changed. Not only because my family has changed but I think everyone should be required to send picture cards - single, married, with children, with pets - whatever! I just love receiving them and seeing those little faces I haven't seen in a long time - perhaps since last years card sending season. I enjoy receiving the update letters too, but not as much as the pictures - even with nothing more than the printed message (although today I did receive a card from a college friend with no message or anything just a picture - and I'm going to write her a letter and complain. Because I NEVER hear from her at all). made me think how my family picture will be so very different next year. We've really hit a point in our journey that I can safely and confidently say "at this time next year......" and include our second son in my vision. Each year we take a family photo for our card (I think I'll include it in the email) and next year it'll be not so different - just one more person - but so very different all at the same time. It keeps my spirits high just thinking about it.
Happy Holidays everyone!


Blogger Hannah said...

testing! I got a message that someone couldn't post a comment - so I'm testing.

12/20/2006 8:48 AM  

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