Countdown: 1 week to go
Well, we leave in a week and it's still very surreal. A couple we know just arrived home from Korea with their son, which makes things seem a little more real. Seeing them in the pictures with their little boy - knowing they went over there as two and returned as three puts things into a new perspective for me. I've been having a hard time visualizing life in a months time. A hard time imagining what it will be like to have two sons running around this house - and what it will be like to adjust (for all of us).
Poor Ian is starting feel my anxiety, I fear. He's getting more whiny, more clingy, and more mopey than he's ever been in his life. Although burst of excitement and big brother pride come through every so often, I can already see a change in him. I think the transition will be harder than we anticipated.
Our shopping is completed (I think) and now we have the house to concentrate on. We cleaned Ian's room today, in prep for the new dressers and crib. Have a plan for the old dressers (so they have some place to go), and get get things going in there probably tomorrow night. The back room is a challenge. We use it as a catch-all type room because now that Ian is older he sleeps at my mom's instead of her sleeping here. And as a guest room - it really doesn't get much use. So there are piles of purchases on the bed, books on the floor, an exercise machine against the wall....and overall clutter. We will be tackling that little by little. Then comes packing! I just know we'll forget something - but hopefully it won't be anything that can't be replaced easily.
I feel like I still have a million things going through my head - and the idea of actually boarding a plane makes my heart race. Just that fact that's actually going to happen....

But - most importantly Sam is a new man! :) Here a picture to prove he's ready to face Thailand with total respect. You'll notice a little stubble in the picture - it's taken him about 6 days to get that back from the initial shave - he'll be packing a razor and will be baby-butt smooth for the meeting. :)
He even bought a new shirt and tie for the board meeting. I will be posting while we are gone, so there will hopefully a picture of us all dolled up for the meeting. :)
Poor Ian is starting feel my anxiety, I fear. He's getting more whiny, more clingy, and more mopey than he's ever been in his life. Although burst of excitement and big brother pride come through every so often, I can already see a change in him. I think the transition will be harder than we anticipated.
Our shopping is completed (I think) and now we have the house to concentrate on. We cleaned Ian's room today, in prep for the new dressers and crib. Have a plan for the old dressers (so they have some place to go), and get get things going in there probably tomorrow night. The back room is a challenge. We use it as a catch-all type room because now that Ian is older he sleeps at my mom's instead of her sleeping here. And as a guest room - it really doesn't get much use. So there are piles of purchases on the bed, books on the floor, an exercise machine against the wall....and overall clutter. We will be tackling that little by little. Then comes packing! I just know we'll forget something - but hopefully it won't be anything that can't be replaced easily.
I feel like I still have a million things going through my head - and the idea of actually boarding a plane makes my heart race. Just that fact that's actually going to happen....

But - most importantly Sam is a new man! :) Here a picture to prove he's ready to face Thailand with total respect. You'll notice a little stubble in the picture - it's taken him about 6 days to get that back from the initial shave - he'll be packing a razor and will be baby-butt smooth for the meeting. :)
He even bought a new shirt and tie for the board meeting. I will be posting while we are gone, so there will hopefully a picture of us all dolled up for the meeting. :)
I don't know if Sam likes it but he does look like a new man!! Very handsome!! That must have been painful for him but he can start growing it out again once the board meeting is over!! I'm getting excited and nervous for you! Can't wait to read about your trip as you travel!
Sam looks great!
Wow! What a makeover! :-)
Hey no fair - if you're going to leave a comment under anonymous at least sign your name :)
please please please please please find time at some point when you return to post about the board meeting, as i havent found anywhere with a detialed description of what that is like so be great to hear it first hand as that is a very special and important day. Have a really amazing trip and other than the obvious delight and precious reason for being there enjoy the thai food yum yum yummy!
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